Bob Deploys Edge Analytics with Kubernetes on AlmaLinux

How to use Kubernetes for deploying analytics workloads at the edge, enabling near real-time insights from data collected by sensors and devices in remote locations.

Let’s dive into Chapter 46, “Bob Deploys Edge Analytics with Kubernetes!”. In this chapter, Bob explores how to use Kubernetes for deploying analytics workloads at the edge, enabling near real-time insights from data collected by sensors and devices in remote locations.

1. Introduction: Why Edge Analytics?

Bob’s team needs to analyze data from IoT sensors in real time at the edge. By processing data locally, they can reduce latency, minimize bandwidth costs, and enable faster decision-making.

“Analyzing data at the edge keeps things efficient and responsive—let’s build it!” Bob says, excited to tackle the challenge.

2. Setting Up Edge Kubernetes with K3s

Bob begins by deploying a lightweight Kubernetes distribution, K3s, on edge devices.

  • Installing K3s:

    • Bob installs K3s on a Raspberry Pi:

      curl -sfL | sh -
  • Adding Edge Nodes:

    • He joins additional edge devices to the cluster:

      curl -sfL | K3S_URL=https://<master-ip>:6443 K3S_TOKEN=<node-token> sh -
  • Verifying the Cluster:

    kubectl get nodes

“K3s is lightweight and perfect for edge analytics!” Bob says.

3. Deploying a Data Stream Processor

Bob sets up Apache Flink for real-time data processing at the edge.

  • Installing Flink:

    • Bob deploys Flink on K3s:

      helm repo add flink
      helm install flink flink/flink
  • Creating a Flink Job:

    • Bob writes a Flink job to process sensor data:

      StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
      DataStream<String> stream = env.socketTextStream("mqtt-broker-ip", 1883); -> "Processed: " + data).print();
      env.execute("Edge Analytics Processor");
  • Running the Job:

    ./bin/flink run -m kubernetes-cluster -p 2 edge-analytics-job.jar

“Flink gives me the power to process data in real time at the edge!” Bob says.

4. Integrating Edge Analytics with IoT Sensors

Bob sets up an MQTT broker to collect data from IoT devices.

  • Deploying Mosquitto:

    helm repo add eclipse-mosquitto
    helm install mqtt-broker eclipse-mosquitto/mosquitto
  • Simulating Sensor Data:

    • Bob writes a Python script to simulate sensor data:

      import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
      import random, time
      client = mqtt.Client()
      client.connect("mqtt-broker-ip", 1883)
      while True:
          data = random.uniform(20.0, 30.0)
          client.publish("sensors/temperature", f"{data}")

“Now my sensors are streaming data to the edge!” Bob says.

5. Deploying AI Models for Analytics

Bob integrates machine learning models to enhance analytics at the edge.

  • Preparing an AI Model:

    • Bob trains a TensorFlow model to predict anomalies in temperature data.
  • Deploying the Model:

    • He wraps the model in a Flask API and containerizes it:

      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
        name: edge-ai
        replicas: 1
            - name: ai-processor
              image: myrepo/edge-ai:latest
  • Using the Model:

    • Bob modifies the Flink job to send data to the AI model for anomaly detection.

“AI-powered analytics makes edge insights smarter!” Bob says.

6. Storing Processed Data Locally

Bob sets up local storage for processed analytics data.

  • Deploying TimescaleDB:

    • Bob uses TimescaleDB for time-series data storage:

      helm repo add bitnami
      helm install timescale bitnami/postgresql
  • Ingesting Data:

    • He writes a script to store processed data in TimescaleDB:

      import psycopg2
      conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=edge user=admin password=secret host=timescale-ip")
      cur = conn.cursor()
      cur.execute("INSERT INTO analytics (time, value) VALUES (NOW(), %s)", (processed_data,))

“Edge storage ensures data is available locally for quick access!” Bob says.

7. Visualizing Analytics

Bob adds dashboards for visualizing edge analytics data.

  • Using Grafana:

    • Bob sets up Grafana to connect to TimescaleDB:

      helm repo add grafana
      helm install grafana grafana/grafana
  • Creating Dashboards:

    • He builds dashboards to display real-time temperature readings, anomaly detection, and trends.

“Dashboards make analytics insights actionable!” Bob notes.

8. Scaling Edge Analytics

Bob ensures his edge analytics stack can handle increasing workloads.

  • Using Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA):
    • Bob configures autoscaling for the Flink job processor:

      apiVersion: autoscaling/v2
      kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
        name: flink-hpa
          apiVersion: apps/v1
          kind: Deployment
          name: flink
        minReplicas: 1
        maxReplicas: 5
        - type: Resource
            name: cpu
            targetAverageUtilization: 70

“Autoscaling keeps my edge system responsive during peak loads!” Bob says.

9. Ensuring Security at the Edge

Bob secures communication and workloads at the edge.

  • Enabling Mutual TLS (mTLS):

    • Bob configures Mosquitto to use TLS for secure device communication:

      mosquitto --cert /path/to/cert.pem --key /path/to/key.pem
  • Restricting Access with RBAC:

    • He uses RBAC to limit access to sensitive components:

      kind: Role
        name: edge-role
      - apiGroups: [""]
        resources: ["pods", "services"]
        verbs: ["get", "list", "create"]

“Security is non-negotiable for edge analytics!” Bob says.

10. Conclusion: Bob’s Edge Analytics Triumph

With K3s, Flink, AI models, and secure storage, Bob has built a robust edge analytics system. It processes IoT data in real time, enables smarter decision-making, and operates efficiently even in remote locations.

Next, Bob plans to explore multi-cloud Kubernetes deployments, managing workloads across multiple cloud providers for resilience and scalability.

Stay tuned for the next chapter: “Bob Masters Multi-Cloud Kubernetes Deployments!”