Class Declaration and Properties in Kotlin Programming Language

In this blog post, we will explore class declarations in Kotlin, how properties are defined and managed, and key features that make Kotlin a preferred choice over Java.

Kotlin is a modern and expressive programming language widely used for Android development, web applications, and server-side programming. One of its core features is its elegant handling of class declarations and properties, making code more readable, concise, and maintainable. In this blog, we will explore class declarations in Kotlin, how properties are defined and managed, and key features that make Kotlin a preferred choice over Java.

Understanding Class Declaration in Kotlin

Basic Class Declaration

In Kotlin, classes are declared using the class keyword. Unlike Java, Kotlin classes do not require explicit getter and setter methods unless customization is needed. A simple class can be declared as follows:

class Person {
    var name: String = ""
    var age: Int = 0

Here, Person is a class with two properties: name and age. Kotlin provides default getter and setter methods for these properties.

Primary Constructor

Kotlin allows defining the primary constructor directly within the class declaration:

class Person(val name: String, var age: Int)
  • val name defines a read-only property.
  • var age defines a mutable property.

By using the primary constructor, we eliminate the need for explicitly initializing properties inside the class body.

Secondary Constructor

Kotlin also allows secondary constructors, which provide additional ways to initialize a class:

class Employee {
    var name: String
    var age: Int

    constructor(name: String, age: Int) { = name
        this.age = age

However, in Kotlin, secondary constructors are less common because the primary constructor with default values and init blocks usually suffice.

Init Block

If additional initialization logic is required, Kotlin provides an init block:

class Car(val brand: String, val model: String) {
    init {
        println("Car brand: $brand, Model: $model")

The init block executes as soon as an instance of the class is created.

Properties in Kotlin

Properties in Kotlin are variables associated with a class and have built-in getter and setter methods. There are different ways to declare and use properties.

Immutable (val) vs Mutable (var) Properties

  • val (immutable) properties cannot be reassigned after initialization.
  • var (mutable) properties can be changed after initialization.


class Book(val title: String, var price: Double)

Here, title cannot be modified once assigned, while price can be updated.

Custom Getters and Setters

Kotlin allows custom getter and setter methods for properties.

class Rectangle(val width: Int, val height: Int) {
    val area: Int
        get() = width * height

In this example, area does not store a value but is calculated dynamically using a custom getter.

For setters, we can define them as follows:

class Student {
    var grade: Int = 0
        set(value) {
            field = if (value in 0..100) value else throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid grade")

Here, the setter assigns only valid grade values (0–100).

Backing Fields (field)

When customizing setters, Kotlin uses the special field keyword to avoid recursive calls.


class Temperature {
    var celsius: Double = 0.0
        set(value) {
            field = value

The field keyword refers to the property’s backing field, ensuring safe assignment.

Late-Initialized Properties (lateinit)

For properties that are initialized later (e.g., dependency injection), Kotlin provides the lateinit modifier:

class DatabaseConnection {
    lateinit var connection: String

    fun connect() {
        connection = "Connected to database"

The lateinit keyword defers initialization and avoids unnecessary null checks.

Delegated Properties

Kotlin supports property delegation using the by keyword. A common example is lazy initialization:

class User {
    val info: String by lazy {
        println("Initializing info...")
        "User information loaded"

Here, info is initialized only when first accessed, improving performance.

Visibility Modifiers

Kotlin provides visibility modifiers to control property access:

  • public (default): Accessible everywhere.
  • private: Accessible only within the class.
  • protected: Accessible within the class and subclasses.
  • internal: Accessible within the same module.


class Account {
    private var balance: Double = 0.0

    fun deposit(amount: Double) {
        balance += amount

Here, balance is private and cannot be accessed directly outside the class.

Data Classes

For simple data storage, Kotlin offers data class, which automatically generates equals(), hashCode(), and toString() methods:

data class Customer(val name: String, val age: Int)

data class simplifies object comparison and representation.

Abstract Classes and Interfaces

Kotlin supports abstraction for better code organization.

Abstract Class

An abstract class cannot be instantiated directly and must be subclassed:

abstract class Animal {
    abstract fun makeSound()

class Dog : Animal() {
    override fun makeSound() {


Interfaces define behavior without storing state:

interface Vehicle {
    fun drive()

class Car : Vehicle {
    override fun drive() {
        println("Driving a car")


Kotlin simplifies class declaration and property management with modern, expressive syntax. Features like primary constructors, custom getters and setters, property delegation, and data classes make Kotlin a powerful choice for application development. Understanding these concepts will help you write cleaner and more efficient Kotlin code, ultimately improving productivity and maintainability.

Last modified 20.02.2025: new kotlin and mint content (93a1000)