If/Else Expressions in Kotlin

We learn how to use if/else expressions in Kotlin in this comprehensive guide. We will discuss their syntax, various use cases, and best practices, along with examples to help you master this essential concept.


Kotlin, a modern and expressive programming language developed by JetBrains, offers several powerful features that enhance code readability and efficiency. One such feature is if/else expressions, which allow developers to control the flow of execution based on conditions. Unlike traditional imperative languages where if/else is a statement, in Kotlin, if/else is an expression, meaning it can return a value and be assigned to a variable.

In this blog post, we will explore if/else expressions in Kotlin in detail. We will discuss their syntax, various use cases, and best practices, along with examples to help you master this essential concept.

Understanding If/Else Expressions in Kotlin

In many programming languages, if/else is considered a control statement that does not return a value. However, in Kotlin, if/else can be used as an expression that returns a result.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax of an if/else expression in Kotlin is:

if (condition) {
    // Code block executed if condition is true
} else {
    // Code block executed if condition is false

Unlike traditional languages like Java or C++, Kotlin allows if/else to return a value, which means it can be assigned to a variable:

val result = if (10 > 5) "Greater" else "Smaller"
println(result) // Output: Greater

Using If/Else as an Expression

Kotlin allows you to use if/else expressions as return values. This makes code more concise and eliminates unnecessary variable declarations.


fun max(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
    return if (a > b) a else b

fun main() {
    println(max(10, 20)) // Output: 20

In this example, the function max determines the maximum of two numbers using an if/else expression.

Example with Multiple Branches

fun classifyNumber(num: Int): String {
    return if (num > 0) {
    } else if (num < 0) {
    } else {

fun main() {
    println(classifyNumber(-5)) // Output: Negative

Here, the function classifyNumber evaluates a number and returns a corresponding description using multiple if/else branches.

If/Else Expressions with Code Blocks

When using if/else expressions with multiple lines of code, always ensure that the last expression inside a block is the return value.


val message = if (10 > 5) {
    println("Executing if block")
} else {
    println("Executing else block")
println(message) // Output: Executing if block \n Greater

The above code prints an additional log message before returning the final value.

Nesting If/Else Expressions

Nested if/else expressions can be used when multiple conditions need to be checked sequentially.


fun determineGrade(score: Int): String {
    return if (score >= 90) {
    } else if (score >= 80) {
    } else if (score >= 70) {
    } else if (score >= 60) {
    } else {

fun main() {
    println(determineGrade(85)) // Output: B

This function assigns letter grades based on the given score using nested if/else expressions.

Combining If/Else with Logical Operators

Kotlin allows the use of logical operators such as && (AND) and || (OR) within if/else conditions to simplify logic.


fun isEligibleForVoting(age: Int, isCitizen: Boolean): String {
    return if (age >= 18 && isCitizen) "Eligible" else "Not Eligible"

fun main() {
    println(isEligibleForVoting(20, true)) // Output: Eligible

Using If/Else with When Expressions

Kotlin provides the when expression, which is often a cleaner alternative to complex if/else chains.


fun checkNumberType(num: Int): String {
    return when {
        num > 0 -> "Positive"
        num < 0 -> "Negative"
        else -> "Zero"

fun main() {
    println(checkNumberType(0)) // Output: Zero

Best Practices for Using If/Else Expressions

  1. Use expressions instead of statements: If a value needs to be returned, always use if/else as an expression.
  2. Simplify conditions with logical operators: Reduce redundant conditions using && and || operators.
  3. Prefer when expressions for multiple conditions: When dealing with multiple conditions, consider using when for better readability.
  4. Keep expressions concise: If possible, simplify if/else expressions into single-line statements.

Performance Considerations

In general, if/else expressions execute efficiently in Kotlin. However, for highly nested conditions, when expressions may provide better readability and performance optimization.


Kotlin’s if/else expressions provide a powerful and concise way to handle conditional logic. Unlike many other languages, if/else in Kotlin can be used as an expression, making code more readable and eliminating unnecessary variable assignments. By following best practices and considering alternatives like when, developers can write clean, efficient, and maintainable Kotlin code.

Mastering if/else expressions will help you write more expressive and elegant Kotlin programs. Happy coding!

Last modified 20.02.2025: new kotlin and mint content (93a1000)