Loops in Kotlin

We learn how to use loops in Kotlin in this comprehensive guide. We will discuss their syntax, various use cases, and best practices, along with examples to help you master this essential concept.


Kotlin, a modern and expressive programming language developed by JetBrains, provides powerful and flexible looping constructs that make iteration more intuitive and efficient. Loops allow developers to execute a block of code multiple times based on a specified condition. Kotlin supports three primary looping constructs:

  • for loop
  • while loop
  • do-while loop

Each of these loops has its own unique use cases and advantages. In this blog post, we will explore these looping structures in detail, discuss their syntax, use cases, and best practices, and provide examples to help you master loops in Kotlin.

1. The for Loop in Kotlin

The for loop is used to iterate over a range, collection, or array. It simplifies iteration by eliminating the need for explicit indexing.

Basic Syntax:

for (item in collection) {
    // Code to be executed for each item

Iterating Over a Range

Kotlin allows iterating over a range of numbers using the .. operator.

fun main() {
    for (i in 1..5) {
        println("Iteration: $i")


Iteration: 1
Iteration: 2
Iteration: 3
Iteration: 4
Iteration: 5

Using step and downTo in Ranges

You can control the increment step using the step keyword or iterate in reverse using downTo.

fun main() {
    for (i in 1..10 step 2) {
        println("Step iteration: $i")

    for (i in 10 downTo 1 step 3) {
        println("Reverse iteration: $i")


Step iteration: 1
Step iteration: 3
Step iteration: 5
Step iteration: 7
Step iteration: 9
Reverse iteration: 10
Reverse iteration: 7
Reverse iteration: 4
Reverse iteration: 1

Iterating Over Arrays and Lists

You can use the for loop to iterate over collections like lists or arrays.

fun main() {
    val fruits = listOf("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry")
    for (fruit in fruits) {

Using indices and withIndex() for Indexed Iteration

If you need the index along with the value, Kotlin provides two ways:

fun main() {
    val names = arrayOf("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie")

    // Using indices
    for (index in names.indices) {
        println("Index $index: ${names[index]}")

    // Using withIndex()
    for ((index, name) in names.withIndex()) {
        println("Index $index: $name")

2. The while Loop in Kotlin

The while loop executes a block of code repeatedly as long as a specified condition is true.

Basic Syntax:

while (condition) {
    // Code to be executed

Example: Counting Numbers

fun main() {
    var count = 1
    while (count <= 5) {
        println("Count: $count")


Count: 1
Count: 2
Count: 3
Count: 4
Count: 5

Using while for Input Validation

A while loop is useful for handling user input validation.

fun main() {
    var input: Int
    do {
        println("Enter a positive number:")
        input = readLine()?.toIntOrNull() ?: 0
    } while (input <= 0)

    println("You entered: $input")

3. The do-while Loop in Kotlin

The do-while loop is similar to the while loop, but it guarantees at least one execution before checking the condition.

Basic Syntax:

do {
    // Code to be executed
} while (condition)

Example: Repeating an Action Until a Condition is Met

fun main() {
    var num = 1
    do {
        println("Number: $num")
    } while (num <= 5)

Use Case: User Input Until Correct Value is Entered

A do-while loop is often used to prompt the user until a valid input is provided.

fun main() {
    var password: String
    do {
        println("Enter the password:")
        password = readLine() ?: ""
    } while (password != "KotlinRocks")

    println("Access granted!")

4. Loop Control Statements

Kotlin provides loop control statements such as break and continue to control the flow of loops.

Breaking a Loop with break

The break statement is used to exit a loop prematurely.

fun main() {
    for (i in 1..10) {
        if (i == 5) {
            println("Breaking at $i")
        println("Iteration: $i")

Skipping an Iteration with continue

The continue statement skips the current iteration and proceeds with the next one.

fun main() {
    for (i in 1..5) {
        if (i == 3) continue
        println("Iteration: $i")

Best Practices for Using Loops in Kotlin

  1. Use for loops for iterating over ranges and collections – They are concise and readable.
  2. Use while and do-while for conditions that are dynamically checked – When looping based on a condition, while loops are preferable.
  3. Prefer functional constructs like forEach and map when working with collections – Kotlin provides higher-order functions that are often more expressive than loops.
  4. Avoid infinite loops – Ensure loop conditions eventually become false.
  5. Use break and continue wisely – Avoid excessive use as they can make code harder to follow.


Loops are an essential part of Kotlin programming, providing the ability to iterate over elements efficiently. Whether using for, while, or do-while, understanding how and when to use each loop is key to writing clean and effective Kotlin code. By following best practices and leveraging Kotlin’s expressive syntax, you can make your loops more readable and maintainable. Happy coding!

Last modified 20.02.2025: new kotlin and mint content (93a1000)