Simple File Parser Console Application in Kotlin

Learn how to create a simple file parser console application in Kotlin. We will cover reading files, parsing content, handling errors, and implementing basic operations to extract and display structured information.


Parsing files is a common task in software development, especially when dealing with structured or semi-structured data. Kotlin, a modern, expressive, and concise programming language, offers powerful libraries and features that make file parsing efficient and straightforward. In this blog post, we will create a simple file parser console application using Kotlin. We will cover reading files, parsing content, handling errors, and implementing basic operations to extract and display structured information.


Before we dive into coding, ensure you have the following:

  • Kotlin Installed: You can use the Kotlin compiler or IntelliJ IDEA for development.
  • Basic Knowledge of Kotlin: Understanding of functions, loops, and file handling.
  • JVM Installed: If using the Kotlin compiler.

Setting Up the Project

To begin, create a new Kotlin project in IntelliJ IDEA or set up a simple Kotlin file (FileParser.kt) in your development environment.


For file handling and parsing, Kotlin’s standard library is sufficient. However, if dealing with complex formats (e.g., JSON, XML, CSV), you might consider libraries such as:

  • kotlinx.serialization for JSON/XML.
  • Apache Commons CSV for CSV parsing.

For this tutorial, we’ll focus on a simple text-based file parser using only Kotlin’s standard features.

Implementing the File Parser

Step 1: Reading a File

Kotlin provides easy ways to read files using File operations. Let’s start by reading a text file:


fun readFile(filePath: String): List<String> {
    return try {
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        println("Error reading file: ${e.message}")

This function reads the file line by line and returns a list of strings. If an error occurs (e.g., file not found), it handles the exception and returns an empty list.

Step 2: Parsing the File Content

Let’s assume the file contains structured data in the format:

1,John Doe,30
2,Jane Smith,25
3,Michael Brown,40

We can write a function to parse this CSV-like content into a list of data objects.

data class Person(val id: Int, val name: String, val age: Int)

fun parseData(lines: List<String>): List<Person> {
    return lines.drop(1) // Skip header
        .mapNotNull { line ->
            val parts = line.split(",")
            if (parts.size == 3) {
                try {
                    Person(parts[0].toInt(), parts[1], parts[2].toInt())
                } catch (e: NumberFormatException) {
                    println("Skipping invalid line: $line")
            } else {
                println("Skipping malformed line: $line")

This function:

  • Skips the header row.
  • Splits each line by commas.
  • Converts valid lines into Person objects.
  • Handles errors gracefully.

Step 3: Displaying Parsed Data

Once we parse the file, we can display the extracted data.

fun displayData(personList: List<Person>) {
    println("Parsed Data:")
    personList.forEach { println("ID: ${}, Name: ${}, Age: ${it.age}") }

Step 4: Putting It All Together

Finally, we integrate all functions in a main entry point.

fun main() {
    val filePath = "data.txt" // Change this to your actual file path
    val lines = readFile(filePath)
    if (lines.isNotEmpty()) {
        val persons = parseData(lines)
    } else {
        println("No data to process.")

Running the Application

To run the application:

  1. Place a sample data.txt file in the project directory.

  2. Compile and execute the Kotlin file using:

    kotlinc FileParser.kt -include-runtime -d FileParser.jar
    java -jar FileParser.jar

    OR, if using IntelliJ IDEA, run the main function.

Enhancements and Next Steps

While this is a simple parser, you can extend it with:

  • Command-line arguments: Accept file path as an argument.
  • Enhanced parsing: Support JSON/XML using kotlinx.serialization.
  • Error logging: Log errors to a file instead of printing to console.
  • Unit tests: Write tests to validate parsing logic.


In this tutorial, we built a simple file parser in Kotlin that reads, parses, and displays structured data from a text file. With Kotlin’s powerful features, file handling and parsing can be implemented efficiently with minimal code. By extending this example, you can handle more complex file formats and integrate advanced data processing features into your applications.

Happy coding!