Understanding @JvmStatic and @JvmField in Kotlin

Learn how to use @JvmStatic and @JvmField annotations in Kotlin to optimize Java interop and improve code readability.

Kotlin is a powerful programming language that interoperates seamlessly with Java. One of its standout features is its ability to compile to Java bytecode, which allows Kotlin and Java code to work together effortlessly. However, since Kotlin introduces various syntactic and functional enhancements over Java, some of these features require special annotations to ensure smooth interoperability. Among these annotations, @JvmStatic and @JvmField play crucial roles in optimizing the way Kotlin-generated bytecode is accessed from Java. In this blog post, we’ll delve deep into these annotations, explaining their purpose, usage, and best practices.

What is @JvmStatic?

The @JvmStatic annotation in Kotlin is used to instruct the compiler to generate a static method for a function inside a companion object or an object declaration. By default, Kotlin does not generate static methods in these scenarios because it treats companion objects and object declarations as instances. However, in Java, developers often rely on static methods for various use cases, such as utility functions or constants.

Syntax and Example

Consider the following example:

class Example {
    companion object {
        fun staticMethod() {
            println("This is a static method")

        fun nonStaticMethod() {
            println("This is a non-static method")

If we try to access these methods from Java:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Example.staticMethod(); // Works because @JvmStatic is applied
        Example.Companion.nonStaticMethod(); // Needs Companion reference

Without @JvmStatic, Java would require an explicit reference to Companion to call the method:


With @JvmStatic, Java can call the method directly using Example.staticMethod(), making it behave like a traditional static method in Java.

When to Use @JvmStatic

  1. Interoperability with Java: If Java users expect a method to be static, use @JvmStatic to avoid requiring an extra companion object reference.
  2. Performance Optimization: It can slightly improve performance by avoiding unnecessary instance method calls.
  3. Code Readability: It makes Java-side usage more intuitive and closer to what Java developers expect.

What is @JvmField?

Unlike @JvmStatic, which applies to methods, @JvmField is used for properties (fields). Normally, Kotlin properties generate getter and setter methods. However, in Java, direct field access is sometimes preferred for better performance and simplicity. The @JvmField annotation tells the Kotlin compiler to expose the property as a public field without generating getter and setter methods.

Syntax and Example

Consider this Kotlin class:

class Example {
    companion object {
        val constantValue: String = "Hello, World!"

Now, accessing this field from Java:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(Example.constantValue); // Works without getter method

Without @JvmField, Kotlin generates a getter method, and Java would need to call:


When to Use @JvmField

  1. Avoid Unnecessary Getter/Setter Methods: If you don’t need property encapsulation and just want a simple public field.
  2. Interfacing with Java Code: Makes accessing Kotlin properties more natural in Java.
  3. Performance Optimization: Reduces method call overhead.

Key Differences Between @JvmStatic and @JvmField

Applies toFunctions/methodsProperties (fields)
GeneratesStatic methodPublic field
Used inCompanion objects, object declarationsCompanion objects, object declarations
PurposeEnables direct static method calls from JavaAllows direct field access from Java
Java AccessClassName.methodName()ClassName.fieldName

Best Practices for Using @JvmStatic and @JvmField

  1. Use @JvmStatic for Utility Methods: When defining utility functions inside companion objects, @JvmStatic makes them easier to use from Java.
  2. Use @JvmField for Constants and Simple Fields: @JvmField is perfect for defining constants or simple fields that don’t require encapsulation.
  3. Avoid Overusing @JvmStatic: Not every function inside a companion object needs to be static. Only use it where necessary.
  4. Encapsulation Matters: Avoid @JvmField if the property needs getter/setter logic or if encapsulation is important.
  5. Consider Readability: While these annotations improve Java interop, ensure that your code remains readable and maintainable from both Kotlin and Java perspectives.


The @JvmStatic and @JvmField annotations in Kotlin are powerful tools for ensuring seamless interoperability with Java. @JvmStatic allows companion object methods to be called as static methods from Java, making them easier to use. Meanwhile, @JvmField exposes Kotlin properties as Java fields, avoiding unnecessary getter and setter methods.

By understanding when and how to use these annotations, you can write more efficient, interoperable, and maintainable Kotlin code. Whether you’re working on a Kotlin-only project or a mixed Kotlin-Java codebase, these annotations will help bridge the gap between the two languages effectively.